Hi Ronald,
I had the same problem with usb keyboards. The following solution worked for me:
1. Create an image with the cast-o-matic wizard ( http://www.udpcast.linux.lu/cast-o-matic/) 2. On the second page of the wizard, there is a field called " Commands to be executed before udpcast menu:" 3. Add the following lines of code into that field:
modprobe uhci-hcd modprobe ohci-hcd modprobe usbkbd
4. Finish creating the boot image and see if it works for you.
Good luck
Chad B. On 12/1/06, udpcast-request@udpcast.linux.lu < udpcast-request@udpcast.linux.lu> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
- keyboard USB (Ronald Scholz)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 08:39:44 -0200 From: "Ronald Scholz" ronald@unimedsm.com.br Subject: [Udpcast] keyboard USB To: udpcast@udpcast.linux.lu Message-ID: 000601c7146b$d9af0290$1601aac4@INF2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
UDP CAST does not function with keyboard USB.
Exists some solution for the problem?
Ronald Scholz