Good afternoon,
I need to add more network adapters in udpcast list, as is the step by step procedure?
Adriano das Neves.
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Don't know how it would be done using the site, but I include the udpcast as an option as part of my G4L project on sourceforge. I try to build into the kernel all the nic and disk options, so it should then let the udpcast use the card. Might want to see if that works with your nic. Been a while since any updates on the page.
On 11 Sep 2015 at 16:28, Adrianodnu wrote:
From: "Adrianodnu" To: Date sent: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:28:02 -0300 Subject: [Udpcast] LAN insert news
Good afternoon,
I need to add more network adapters in udpcast list, as is the step by step procedure?
Adriano das Neves.
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