Both server (debian etch) and client (knoppix 5.1 with downloaded and compiled new version of udpcast) don't have firewalls. Maybe it is something with kernel version (on both server and client)? I will try udpcast boot cd...
Michael D. Setzer II pisze:
Just a follow up to the other reply you have already gotten. If you have a firewall running on the client and servers, you need to open both the 9006 port and the 9007 ports. Not sure if this would effect you. I was sending a file to many machine, and it also worked with one client, but more, it didn't work. I think the transfer is done on the main port, but the clients talk back to the sender machine via the next port. I also had the same switch problem, but using udpcast boot cds don't have the firewall, but the Fedora systems do.
On 23 Sep 2008 at 22:05, Paweł Ufnalewski // BSS wrote:
Date sent: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 22:05:25 +0200 From: Pawe³ Ufnalewski // BSS To: Subject: [Udpcast] multi computer cast problem
I've got problem with multicasting to many computers at once. I've
got server with newest udp-sender (20071228) which is sending files from ext3 partition (with command ./udp-sender --pipe 'tar -B -S -cpf - -C /usr/share/systemimager/boot/i386/pjwstklenny .' --portbase 9006 --min-clients 2 --min-wait 15 --interface eth1 --max-bitrate 70M --mcast-all-addr --ttl 10
and I'm trying to receive it with command:
./udp-receiver --portbase 9006 --nosync --ttl 10 --mcast-rdv-address --pipe "tar -f - -x -vv -C /disk"
on client computer.
Problem is that, when I'm doing it one-by-one (I mean server-1 client) I get full speed - ~70MB/s, but when I'm trying to to this with >= 2 computers transfer drops to >0,5Mb/s. Why? I tried diffrent and the same subnet, I'm using 3com & cisco 3-layer switches (I also tried putting server and clients on the same switch - the same effect).
Please help, cause I've got >200 computers to clone ;)
Best regards
Paul Ufnalewski // BSS Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology
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