I am image casting a lab of 25 computers (Windows XP). They boot from a PXE server and from there I try to launch the udp app. I type "udp-sender -f /dev/hda1" , it gets to 618 MB and then gives me "DriveReady SeekComplete Error" all over the screen. I tried switching the sender computer that is identical and I get the same error. Any suggestions?
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On Wednesday 16 July 2003 16:40, Darren Beck wrote:
I am image casting a lab of 25 computers (Windows XP). They boot from a PXE server and from there I try to launch the udp app. I type "udp-sender -f /dev/hda1" , it gets to 618 MB and then gives me "DriveReady SeekComplete Error" all over the screen. I tried switching the sender computer that is identical and I get the same error. Any suggestions?
This might be indicative of a bad hard drive.
Hi Alian, In UDPCast source code, I have seen lots of queues generated for production and consumption. (Ex: msg:free-queue and msg:incoming in "initReturunChannel" function) and "free mem" and "receive" queues in initFifo() and "freeslice" and "fecdata" queues in spawnNetSender(). Could you eloberate how synchronization occurs here and how exactly different slices are transmitted from one server to multiple clients ( from the perspective of both sender and receiver??)
Thanks, Sai
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