On 10 Dec 2010 at 14:42, Frederik Himpe wrote:
From: Frederik Himpe fhimpe@vub.ac.be To: udpcast udpcast@udpcast.linux.lu Organization: Vrije Universiteit Brussel Date sent: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 14:42:53 +0100 Subject: Re: [Udpcast] UDP Cast and iMac USB keyboards
On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 09:28 -0400, Timothy Legge wrote:
The images created by the udpcast website do not support USB keyboards on the iMacs (Intel). I had to recompile the kernel and make the USB drivers part of the kernel (not loadable modules).
Initially I disabled loadable modulels but I will go back when I get time to make the USB keyboard and any dependencies static and send the updated config.
I had the same problem some time ago, and the reason is that the module for the USB controller is disabled in udpcast's kernels. To support all USB controllers, you need uhci-hcd, ohci-hcd and ehci-hcd and one of these (IIRC ohci-hcd) is disabled in udpcast's kernel.
Building the module is not enough: you also have to modify the rcS script to load the additional usb driver. Of course building it into the kernel, like you did, works around that particular problem.
This problem is not limited to Apple systems: we had the same problem with HP Compaq 8100 systems, they also need that particular module, so I guess lots of recent USB chipsets need this.
Just as a note. I have included udpcast options on my g4l project, and it has the usb support built into its kernels. For a long time, it has had udpcast as an option that could setup to receive images that were created with the regular g4l process. The dd compressed images could then be sent using udp-sender and multiple machines could receive and decompress them. Now the program has options to directly send disk or partitions.
Unfortunately, I don't have access to Intel Mac machines, so only have heard it works. I've also used it on a few machines with USB keyboards.
Working on the next version, and just added the new kernels that came out from kernel.org.
Changes ftp://amd64gcc.dyndns.org/latest36.16 ftp://amd64gcc.dyndns.org/g4l-v0.36alpha16.iso ftp://amd64gcc.dyndns.org/g4l-v0.36a16.devel.tar.gz
-- Frederik Himpe fhimpe@vub.ac.be Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Udpcast mailing list Udpcast@udpcast.linux.lu https://udpcast.linux.lu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/udpcast
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