Thanks for your suggestion.
I believe as per your suggestion we can send the entire folder to the client machines.
In my requirement the client machines are having total space of 4GB with 300-500 MB free space. 
I will be transferring a folder (almost same as present in client with some of the files modified), clients should recieve only modified files and ignore unmodified files. I cannot transfer only the modified files from server.
So to implement, my reciever should know the name of the file being transferred.
Any help will be appreciated. 
Thanks and Regards,

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 8:58 PM, Tyler Montbriand <tyler@marieval.com> wrote:

Like other UNIX tools, instead of building every possible feature into every possible application, it’s easily combined with other tools to accomplish whatever goal.  Tar is meant for exactly what you want.  I often do things like this on windows and unix hosts alike:


# Sending end

tar –cf - /path/to/sourcefolder | udp-sender


# receiving end

udp-receiver | tar –C /path/to/destfolder –xf –


If you want compression, make it –zcf and –zxf.


You can get a Windows tar.exe in unxutils, busybox-win32, or Cygwin.  Cygwin will have the most complete and compatible tar.

From: udpcast-bounces@udpcast.linux.lu [mailto:udpcast-bounces@udpcast.linux.lu] On Behalf Of prasad t m
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 5:05 AM
To: udpcast@udpcast.linux.lu
Subject: [Udpcast] Multiple file transfer



I am working on Multicast Download using Windows Version of UDPcast application. I want couple of information on UDPCast tool.

1. Can we transfer multiple files using single command line from sender?
2. Is it possible to identify the Name of the file being transferred at the reciever end?


Thanks for the help in advance.


Thanks and Regards,

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