I am student of Computer Science and this semester I am doing a
project for my degree based on UDPCast.
I am also a teaching assistant I have been using UDPCast in all our
lab room where we have our courses.
What we do now is install an image on a computer in a room, an then
copy the harddrive/partition over multicast.
The thing is that we want a server that would hold many images with
version history.
What my project has to to is allow the unicast copy of a computer
image to this server, and then, when needed, using a client that would
activate UDPCast on the server as a sender and using normal UDPCast as
receiver on the rest of the computers.
This is the basic idea, and should be rather simple, but I would
really appreciate the help anyone can give.
My questions until now:
1) Is the source for the Custom udpcast boot media configurator available?
2) Can i set up the server to multicast from a file?