Debian packages
- Udpcast command line version: udpcast_20250223_i386.deb, udpcast_20250223_amd64.deb
- Udpcast boot disk generator: udpcast-mkimage_20250223_all.deb
- Udpcast Linux kernel for use with boot disk generator: kernel-udpcast_6.1.55_all.deb
Click here for documentation about how to use the boot disk generator.
RPM packages
- Udpcast command line version: udpcast-20250223-1.i686.rpm, udpcast-20250223-1.x86_64.rpm
- Udpcast boot disk generator: udpcast-mkimage-20230924-1.i686.rpm
- Udpcast Linux kernel for use with boot disk generator: kernel-udpcast-6.1.55-1.i686.rpm
Click here for documentation about how to use the boot disk generator.
Compiling instruction can be found here.Udpcast itself:
- Udpcast sources: udpcast-20250223.tar.gz
The boot environment:
- Sources for the boot disk utilities (udpcdialog, ...): udpbusybox-20230924.tar.gz
- Script to add new application to busybox:
The kernel customizations:
- Kernel's .config file: udpc-config-6.1.55.txt